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Showing posts from December, 2012

A dozen things to know about AWS Simple Workflow in Eclipse and Maven

Amazon AWS Simple Workflow AWS Simple Workflow(SWF) from Amazon is a unique workflow solution comparing to traditional workflow products such as JBPM and OSWorkflow. SWF is extremely scalable and engineer friendly(in that flow is defined with Java code) while it comes with limitations and lots of gotchas. Always use Flow Framework The very first thing to know is, it's almost impossible to build a SWF application correctly without Flow Framework . Even though the low level SWF RESTful service API is public and available in SDK, for most workflow with parallelism, timer or notification, consider all possibilities of how each event can interlace with another, it's beyond manageable to write correct code with low-level API to cover all use cases. For this matter SWF is quite unique comparing to other thin-client AWS technologies. The SWF flow framework heavily depends on AspectJ for various purposes. If you are not familiar with AspectJ in Eclipse and Maven, this article ...