I was walking with my wife and Yilin, my two-and-half-year-old daughter who is super excited about talking random things in a language mixed with English, Mandarin, baby talk and occasionally Spanish.
Near Space Needle on Broad Street, we saw one of those "Ride and Ducks" amphibious touring vehicles stopping at a traffic light, so I asked Yilin, "Look, how does that boat run on street?"
Yilin looked at the vehicle, confused, so she asked my wife, "Mama, how does that boat run on street?"
"Because that boat gets wheels on it, Yilin", my wife explained.
Yilin turned her face back to me and said, "Baba, because that boat gets wheels on it".
Near Space Needle on Broad Street, we saw one of those "Ride and Ducks" amphibious touring vehicles stopping at a traffic light, so I asked Yilin, "Look, how does that boat run on street?"
Yilin looked at the vehicle, confused, so she asked my wife, "Mama, how does that boat run on street?"
"Because that boat gets wheels on it, Yilin", my wife explained.
Yilin turned her face back to me and said, "Baba, because that boat gets wheels on it".
