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Datamung won Netflix Cloud Prize award for best datastore integration

On Nov 14th, in AWS re:invent conference day 2 keynote, Netflix announced 2013 Cloud Prize award winners. I was very lucky and my project, datamung, is one of the ten winners. Datamung received the award for best datastore integration.

Datamung is a Java open source web application that backs up RDS MySQL database into S3 using AWS Simple Workflow and EC2. It's a RESTful service and website on top of it, a single installation allows multiple AWS users to backup their database living in their own AWS accounts. The fact that it uses mysqldump command indicates that the backup result in S3 is a SQL file ready to use across AWS accounts, regions, VPC, or outside of AWS network. If you are interested please jump into the Datamung project wiki to find out more.

Ironically, in the same keynote session where winner list was announced, 40 minutes later Werner Vogels announced a cross-region RDS replication feature which targets the same problem that Datamung attempts to solve.

Netflix flew my family to Las Vegas to attend 2013 AWS re:invent conference and accept award. I was horned to meet the judges, some of which are basically my career changers. For example Martin Fowler, when I talk to people about things he wrote, I got job offers so I could pay mortgage and send daughter to school. I wouldn't restart on open source development after 3 quiet years without Adrian Cockcroft launching the Cloud Prize program, not mentioning Netflix system had me watch hundreds of movies via internet. Anyway, I had good time in sin city and so did my wife and daughter.

Lastly, Chinese food in Vegas is surprisingly good as it turns out. I even found an authentic, in fact the only authentic Xi'an restaurant after 10 years of searching in United States. Having grown up in Xi'an myself, I was pleased to taste childhood food, and suffer from stomach pain of overeating once again.


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