I spoke frankly, and I expected those around me to speak frankly. I fought for what I thought was best, and I wanted them to do so as well. When I thought someone did something stupid, I said so and I expected them to tell me when I did something stupid. Each of us would be better for it. To me, that was what strong and productive relationships looked like. Operating any other way would be unproductive and unethical.
- Ray Dalio, Principles
These words are so true and yet conflicting. People keep telling me otherwise, books and studies teach the secret of tricking emotion. I can't say the principle works everywhere, in fact it probably doesn't work in most places, but it certainly helps me stay true about myself.
One of the 14 Amazon leadership principles is to "disagree and commit". It's uncomfortable but like Ray Dalio said, each of us are better for it. I've seen it in Amazon and I'm sure BridgeWater is the same. Like it or not, it works.